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ARGENTINA RESEARCH is a brand of CMA (Capital Markets Argentina).
There are two ways to use ARGENTINA RESEARCH-CMA products and services: through individual report purchases or through a six- month subscription. The individual pricing mode allows the use of the material bought by up to two users. If the material is going to be used by more than two persons, the firm should contact ARGENTINA RESEARCH-CMA. Access is restricted to the specific user/s. Authorized user/s may quote AR in a presentation. However, they shall not lend or disclose their user name and password, to any other non-authorized person.
The aim of the material in this website is to offer general information and analysis to the user, and should not be considered as an offer, invitation or recommendation from AR or CMA for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument mentioned in it.
Reports do not have the purpose of providing fundamentals for credit evaluation. The user should evaluate by himself and according to his personal situation and objectives, the convenience of investing in the instruments mentioned in the reports and should do that, based on a personal research suitable to his individual case.
The reports should not be considered as prospectus or IPOs. Some of the instruments under analysis may not be authorized for public offering in Argentina.
Even if the material has been obtained from trusted sources, ARGENTINA RESEARCH-CMA does not guarantee that the information on the site is error free, or that changes might have occurred.
ARGENTINA RESEARCH-CMA do not assume implicit or explicit responsibility on the accuracy or sufficiency of the information in order to make a financial decision.